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Choose Platinum

At Platinum, we rent and manage properties on your behalf. Unlike other property management and estate agents, we ensure that renting your property is done with the least amount of hassle possible.

We have all the resources needed to fill and oversee your property, whether that’s finding respectful tenants or getting things fixed with our trusted tradesmen. Rest assured, your property is in safe hands.


We are here for the long term; our mission is to create a relationship that leaves a lasting impression.

We will provide you with an exceptional tailored service that is suited for your property and which meets the demands suited for you.


Step 1 - (Inspect/View)
We will view the property and evaluate a price that benefits both parties.

Step 2 - (Acquire)
Contracts will be provided, and once signed, all the necessary work will be done to prepare the property for the market.

Step 3 - (Manage)
Once the property is ready, we will find the rightful tenants to fill it. You will receive rent every month guaranteed, and we will take care of the rest.

Excellent client service and transparency are our core values.

To ensure that your property is maintained in the manner you like, we make routine visits.

Do not worry, you will get our full attention. Now, do we have yours?

About us

Platinum Property Management is a family business founded by 3 brothers.

As property owners, we know how much a property investment means to people and the importance of keeping it in top condition.

We manage all aspects of HMO/Rental properties to protect our clients. We are members of the NRLA—National Residential Landlord Association. We provide exceptional, tailored services that suit your needs and requirements.

Property is our passion, and your property is always in safe hands with us.

What we do

We specialise in long-term contracts for our landlords so they can enjoy peace of mind and passive income.

Our communication is second to none. We want to keep you updated on your property. We will conduct regular inspections and keep you informed.

We aim to find respectful working professionals who need a home away from home experience.

For any maintenance work required at the properties, we have a specialist team of plumbers, electricians, and building contractors who will provide exceptional service and get the job done.

Your property is our priority.

Get in touch

You can contact one of our team members.
07716 343317
07716 343313
07454 128103

Alternatively, fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

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